Good Work Ethic

3 min readMar 9, 2021

It is a misconception that success comes from an endless well of luck and talent. However, I am of a different opinion. I truly believe it is the little things that count and make a big difference. The right attitude will have you climbing the ladder of success faster than you think and if that is the direction you wish to go, work ethic is essential.

You may wonder what the importance of having a good attitude at work is when, “my job doesn’t define me” and while that is true, when you spend 56.25% of your waking hours a day, five days a week dedicated to work, dream job or not, it plays a part in who you become. Work ethic is the attitude you have toward your career/work life. It is your thoughts and feelings about it. Your attitude about your work life determines how you do your job and the kind of energy that you bring to the office. It is a quality that comes from within.

There are two kinds of people — those who do what is necessary and those who go the extra mile. There is a great difference between the two. Those who do the bare minimum have no interest in quality work and performance. What is important to understand is that the quality of work you produce says a lot about who you are and how much pride you take in yourself.

No matter how cliche it is, it is worth mentioning that hard work really does pay off. There is no substitute for it. When you put in quality work, you get quality results. The pay offs can look like more opportunities and meeting people who grow your line of network. When you see and feel the rewards of hard work, you are encouraged to do more. Every inch of hard work gets you closer and closer to the top.

Along with hard work, the quality of work you produce is important too. Dedication to quality results is one place where your work ethic is sure to shine through. Constantly work toward exceeding your expectations. This is what raises your work ethic and sets you apart from the average players.

Another key point in helping you build a strong work ethic is determination to your goals and commitment to keep going. No matter where you’re going and what your goals are, strong determination will help you get there. Whether it’s getting rejected from a promotion or waking up to days where you’re tempted to do nothing, we all have them. But you can’t allow it to stop you in your tracks. When you’re having an “off day” remind yourself of your goals, dreams and the long term success that is one step closer.

You could have the largest store in the city and the longest line of customers but how you treat those customers is of most importance. Creating and maintaining a good relationship with all those in your environment requires trust, respect, communication and honesty. Always respect everyone you work with, no matter what position you’re in — customer or co-worker. Never think you’re above or below anyone. Your paycheck and position shouldn’t determine how you treat people. You could always move up or down the ladder of success but being humble is a characteristic that goes with you everywhere.

By building a good work ethic, you will present yourself as a productive, prepared and positive person which will always work to your advantage in your personal and professional life. This kind of attitude creates a pleasant and encouraging environment for yourself and those around you.

